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    Not sure what the U.S. federal government is doing to grow manufacturing? View and filter this comprehensive list of programs to discover manufacturing programs in the United States.

Federal Announcements

FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Highlights New Commitments Toward Equitable Workforce Development in Advanced Manufacturing

| Department of Commerce, Department of Labor | Manufacturing USA | Workforce

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration will announce new commitments to workforce development from the Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Sprint. The Sprint, which First Lady Jill Biden announced in May and the Administration kicked off in October, is an intensive drive to build a diverse, skilled pipeline of workers for good advanced manufacturing jobs, including union jobs, many of which do not require a four-year college degree. This comes as President Biden’s historic Investing in America

Dear Colleague Letter: Aligning Fundamental Research and Education in Advanced Manufacturing with the Objectives of the Manufacturing USA Institutes

Manufacturing USA is a national network of manufacturing institutes established in 2014 by the multi-agency collaboration that guided its formation. Each Institute focuses on a specific manufacturing technology and the education of a skilled workforce to advance it and has the corresponding expertise, facilities, infrastructure and university and industrial membership to undertake projects that transition manufacturing technologies from Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) 4 (laboratory

A Proclamation on National Manufacturing Day, 2023

| Manufacturing USA

On National Manufacturing Day, we celebrate American workers — the best workers in the world, who are leading a new manufacturing boom in our Nation — and we pledge to keep investing in them to make sure the future is Made in America.

Manufacturing is the backbone of our economy, but for the past few decades, we have not always treated it that way. We were told that trickle-down economics was the only way forward ‑- cutting taxes for the wealthy and big corporations; slashing public investment

White House Kicks off Sprint to Catalyze Workforce Development Efforts for Advanced Manufacturing Jobs and Careers

| Manufacturing USA

To launch the third Investing in America tour , the Biden-Harris Administration is hosting a White House convening to officially kick off its Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Sprint—an intensive drive to build a diverse, skilled pipeline of workers for good jobs, including union jobs, in advanced manufacturing. The President’s historic Investing in America agenda—including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, Inflation Reduction Act, and American Rescue Plan—is creating

Biden-Harris Administration Announces $22 Million to Support Smart Manufacturing at Small- and Medium-sized Facilities Across the Nation.

| Manufacturing USA | Advanced Manufacturing

In support of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda , a key pillar of Bidenomics, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $22 million to 12 state-run programs to accelerate smart manufacturing at small- and medium-sized facilities. Funded by the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the State Manufacturing Leadership Program aims to make smart manufacturing technologies and high-performance computing more accessible for use across the domestic manufacturing sector, which

DOE Continues Commitment to Smart Manufacturing Innovation by Renewing UCLA’s Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute

| Smart Manufacturing

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO) today announced renewed funding for the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII), DOE’s institute expressly dedicated to smart manufacturing (SM) innovation. CESMII will receive an initial $6 million with potential additional funding across four subsequent fiscal years. The purpose of this renewed funding is to further advance the widespread adoption of SM, a technology