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Additive Manufacturing

The construction of complex three-dimensional parts from 3D digital model data by depositing successive layers of material. Metal, polymer, and ceramic materials can be used to manufacture parts of a geometry that often cannot be produced by any other manufacturing technology. The names of specific additive manufacturing technologies include: 3D printing, layered object manufacturing, selective laser sintering, selective laser melting, LENS, stereolithography, and fused deposition modeling. Synonyms include layered manufacturing, solid freeform manufacturing, direct digital manufacturing, rapid prototyping.

NIST Awards Funding to Strengthen Advanced Manufacturing for Critical and Emerging Technologies

| Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing, Digital Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, Supply-Chain/Logistics Systems

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has awarded a total of $2.08 million to seven organizations in six states to develop manufacturing technology roadmaps to strengthen U.S. innovation and productivity across entire industry sectors. This is the second round of grants awarded to universities, industry and nonprofit organizations through NIST’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Roadmap Program (MfgTech).

Each award of up to $300,000 will fund

FACT SHEET: Biden Administration Celebrates Launch of AM Forward and Calls on Congress to Pass Bipartisan Innovation Act

| Manufacturing USA | Additive Manufacturing, Workforce

President Biden’s top economic priority is to fight inflation by lowering costs that working families face, and lowering the federal deficit.

One of the best ways to lower the cost of the goods and services that families rely on is to make more things in America, with more secure, resilient supply chains. We’ve learned this the hard way during this crisis – when brittle supply chains and hollowed out manufacturing resulted in backlogs, bottlenecks and higher prices for families.

President Biden

NIST Launches New Manufacturing USA Technology Roadmap Grant Competition

| Manufacturing USA | Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing, Biopharmaceutical, Digital Manufacturing, Process Manufacturing, Robotics, Smart Manufacturing

Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced a new competition for awards to support industry-driven consortia in developing technology roadmaps that will address high-priority research challenges to grow the advanced manufacturing sector in the U.S.

NIST’s Manufacturing USA Technology Roadmaps (MfgTech) program anticipates awarding up to eight awards with a period of performance of up to 18 months each, with individual awards of up to