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Federal Announcements

Census Bureau Announces Phase 2 Winners of First-of-Its-Kind Venture Fund on Supply Chain Data

| Census Bureau | Export, Import, Supply Chain

The U.S. Census Bureau today announced the winners of the second phase of the StatVentures Supply Chain Challenge. This challenge invited participants to propose new ways to provide more timely, granular and robust supply chain data. Winning teams submitted implementation roadmaps explaining how their idea would work to capture new or improved supply chain data on manufacturing, imports and exports, transportation and delivery of goods, and other key components of global supply chains.

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Commerce Updates Semiconductor Alert Mechanism

| Department of Commerce (DOC), International Trade Administration (ITA) | Export, Import, Microelectronics, Semiconductors, Supply Chain, Trade

The U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) launched an updated Semiconductor Alert Mechanism administered by the International Trade Administration. The Semiconductor Alert Mechanism aims to help industry experts at Commerce detect and assess bottlenecks in our semiconductor supply chains and better mobilize and coordinate U.S. government resources to reduce chokepoint risks.

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Related Programs

  • U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations

    Import, Trade

    The Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations program enforces the U.S. trade laws by conducting investigations, administrative reviews, new shipper reviews, sunset reviews, changed circumstances reviews, and scope and anticircumvention inquiries. The program also assists in the defense of determinations made by the Enforcement and Compliance office in U.S. courts, the World Trade Organization, and in North American Free Trade Agreement dispute settlement panels, according to program officials. The program conducts investigations in response to U.S. industry petitions alleging that imports are being dumped or unfairly subsidized and that those imports are materially injuring, or threatening material injury to, competing U.S. industry. 

  • U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones

    Export, Import, Trade

    Foreign-trade zones are designated sites licensed by the Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) Board (Commerce Secretary is Chairperson) at which special customs procedures may be used. These procedures allow domestic activity involving foreign items to take place prior to formal customs entry. Duty-free treatment is accorded to items that are re-exported, and duty payment is deferred on items sold in the U.S. market, thus offsetting customs advantages available to overseas producers who compete with producers located in the United States. Subzones/usage-driven sites are approved for a specific company/use. A site that has been granted zone status may not be used for zone activity until the site, or a section thereof has been separately approved for FTZ activation by local U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials and the zone activity remains under the supervision of CBP. FTZ sites and facilities remain within the jurisdiction of local, state, or federal governments or agencies.