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Federal Announcements

NIST AMTech Program Announces Grants for Industry-led Consortia to Explore Issues Hampering Advanced Manufacturing in U.S.

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) today announced a competition for grants to support new or existing industry-driven consortia to develop research plans that address high-priority challenges impeding the growth of advanced manufacturing in the United States. NIST’s new Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AMTech) Program anticipates awarding $4 million in two-year planning grants in fiscal year 2013. Grants will range between about $250,000 and $500,000, subject to the availability of funds.

White House Launches Competition for Three New Manufacturing Innovation Institutes

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

The Obama Administration today announced that it is launching competitions to create three new manufacturing innovation institutes with a Federal commitment of $200 million across five Federal agencies – Defense, Energy, Commerce, NASA, and the National Science Foundation. To build off the initial success of a pilot institute headquartered in Youngstown, Ohio, the President announced in the State of the Union that his Administration would move forward and launch three new manufacturing innovation...

The White House Launches Competition for Three New Manufacturing Innovation Institutes

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

The White House today announced that it is launching competitions to create three new manufacturing innovation institutes with a Federal commitment of $200 million across five Federal agencies – Defense, Energy, Commerce, NASA, and the National Science Foundation. To build off the initial success of a pilot institute headquartered in Youngstown, Ohio, the President announced in the State of the Union that his Administration would move forward and launch three new manufacturing innovation...

Remarks on Revitalizing American Manufacturing, Spartanburg, South Carolina

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Deputy Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank
Remarks on Revitalizing American Manufacturing, Spartanburg, South Carolina

Thank you, Josef (Kerscher), and thanks to BMW for that great tour of the X3 assembly line. I’m delighted to have a chance to be in Spartanburg with your employees and business leaders from the community.

In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, the president said that we must make America a magnet for manufacturing and good jobs. I believe we are poised to do that.


Remarks on Revitalizing American Manufacturing, Spartanburg, South Carolina

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Deputy Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank
Remarks on Revitalizing American Manufacturing, Spartanburg, South Carolina

Thank you, Josef (Kerscher), and thanks to BMW for that great tour of the X3 assembly line. I’m delighted to have a chance to be in Spartanburg with your employees and business leaders from the community.

In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, the president said that we must make America a magnet for manufacturing and good jobs. I believe we are poised to do that.


We Can’t Wait: The White House Announces New Public-Private Partnership to Support

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Consortium of Businesses, Universities, and Community Colleges from Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania Co-Invest with Federal Government in a Manufacturing Innovation Institute

Following through on our We Can’t Wait efforts, the White House today announced the launch of a new public-private institute for manufacturing innovation in Youngstown, Ohio as part of its ongoing efforts to help revitalize American manufacturing and encourage companies to invest in the United States. This new...

We Can’t Wait: The President Announces New Public-Private Partnership to Support

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Following through on our We Can’t Wait efforts, the Obama Administration today announced the launch of a new public-private institute for manufacturing innovation in Youngstown, Ohio as part of its ongoing efforts to help revitalize American manufacturing and encourage companies to invest in the United States. This new partnership, the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII), was selected through a competitive process, led by the Department of Defense, to award an initial $30...

Report to President Outlines Approaches to Spur Domestic Manufacturing Investment and Innovation

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Final Recommendations of Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Steering Committee

A new report released today by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) urges efforts to build on progress to date on improving domestic manufacturing competitiveness and encouraging companies to invest in the United States. The PCAST report is a product of its Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Steering Committee, whose membership includes leading manufacturing experts from industry...

Report to President Outlines Approaches to Spur Domestic Manufacturing Investment and Innovation

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

A new report released today by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) urges efforts to build on progress to date on improving domestic manufacturing competitiveness and encouraging companies to invest in the United States. The PCAST report is a product of its Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Steering Committee, whose membership includes leading manufacturing experts from industry and academia and is co-chaired by Andrew Liveris, President, Chairman, and CEO of...

Assembling the Facts: Examining the Proposed National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Chairman Quayle, Ranking Member Edwards, and Members of the Subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss the Administration’s National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI) initiative. As the President has said, “[An] economy built to last demands that we keep doing everything we can to.… keep strengthening American manufacturing.”1Secretary of Commerce John Bryson amplified that message when he told us that in order to create good paying jobs, we need...

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