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Federal Announcements

Vice President Announces New Integrated Photonics Manufacturing Innovation Hub in Rochester, New York

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, Process Manufacturing

The sixth of nine new manufacturing institutes brings $610 million in public-private investment to next-generation photonics manufacturing, fostering American manufacturing innovation to transform digital communications and high-performance computing

The Vice President will announce today that the Research Foundation for the State University of New York (RF SUNY) will lead a new Manufacturing Innovation Institute to secure U.S. leadership in manufacturing integrated photonics. These emerging

White House Announces Photonics Institute

The sixth of nine new manufacturing institutes brings $610 million in public-private investment to next-generation photonics manufacturing, fostering American manufacturing innovation to transform digital communications and high-performance computing

Vice President Biden will announce today that the Research Foundation for the State University of New York (RF SUNY) will lead a new Manufacturing Innovation Institute to secure U.S. leadership in manufacturing integrated photonics. These emerging

Investing in Manufacturing to Create High-Paying Jobs and Strengthen the Middle Class

Administration Designates an additional 12 Communities to Receive Federal Support for Local Plans through the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership

Manufacturing helped build the American middle class and fuel the world’s most innovative economy—and it’s doing so again today. After a decade of decline in the 2000s, when 40 percent of all large factories closed their doors, American manufacturing is on the upswing. U.S. manufacturing is growing faster than the economy overall for

Investing in Manufacturing to Create High-Paying Jobs and Strengthen the Middle Class

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Administration Designates an additional 12 Communities to Receive Federal Support for Local Plans through the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership

Manufacturing helped build the American middle class and fuel the world’s most innovative economy—and it’s doing so again today. After a decade of decline in the 2000s, when 40 percent of all large factories closed their doors, American manufacturing is on the upswing. U.S. manufacturing is growing faster than the economy overall for

AMNPO Manufacturing and Public Policy Fellows Program 2015 (Deadline Passed)

AMNPO Manufacturing and Public Policy Fellows Program

I. About Us

“Building the manufacturing capacity to restore our Nation”

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) hosts the Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AMNPO) – the interagency office responsible for overseeing the planning, management, and coordination of the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation program. The interagency office works with representatives from federal agencies with advanced

NASA and America Makes Announce $2.25 Million 3D Printed Habitat Challenge

NASA and the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, known as America Makes, are holding a new $2.25 million competition to design and build a 3-D printed habitat for deep space exploration, including the agency’s journey to Mars.

The multi-phase 3-D Printed Habitat Challenge, part of NASA’s Centennial Challenges program, is designed to advance the additive construction technology needed to create sustainable housing solutions for Earth and beyond.

The first phase of the

Building a High-Tech Future Through Partnerships & Planning: Commerce’s NIST Announces $7.8 Million in Advanced Manufacturing Technology Grants

The power and performance of the computer chip have improved like clockwork for half a century, as the number of transistors squeezed on a slice of silicon has doubled about every two years. Thanks to the U.S.-led semiconductor industry’s almost formulaic progress, innovation has flourished for decades, enabling a steady stream of ever-more-powerful electronic products and capabilities.

NIST Awards $7.8 Million for Advanced Manufacturing Technology Planning Grants

The U.S. Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) today announced 16 awards totaling $7.8 million to help accelerate the growth of advanced manufacturing in the United States. The grants will support industry-driven consortia in developing research plans and charting collaborative actions to solve high-priority technology challenges. NIST’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AMTech) Program has awarded the grants to universities and other nonprofit organizations in 11 states and the District of Columbia. The grants range from $413,000 to $500,000 for a period of up to two years. More than 40 organizations will share funding for work done in support of the 16 projects. In addition, more than 250 businesses, trade associations, universities and other organizations will collaborate as unfunded partners.“Strengthening American manufacturing is a key component of the Commerce Department’s ‘Open for Business Agenda,’” said U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker. “The awards announced today will support public-private partner collaboration that boosts advanced manufacturing, which is critical to supporting economic growth. We will continue to make investments that keep our manufacturing sector on the cutting edge of innovation in order to create new growth industries and American jobs.”

Manufacturing Innovation: Gaining the Advantage In a Fiercely Competitive Global Economy

Good ideas—for new products, new processes, or new services—are terrible things to waste. Yet, time and time again, inventions and discoveries that first sprouted in the U.S. have taken root in the factories and economies of other nations. Think of computer-controlled machine tools, solar cells, industrial robots, consumer-electronics devices, lithium-ion batteries . . .

President Announces New Manufacturing Innovation Hub in Knoxville, Tennessee

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

A Knoxville-area based consortium of 122 companies, nonprofits, universities and research laboratories is partnering with the Department of Energy to create a more than $250 million manufacturing innovation institute focused on U.S. leadership in next-generation composite materials.

Today, the President is announcing the latest in a series of partnerships aimed at boosting advanced manufacturing, fostering American innovation, and attracting well-paying jobs that will strengthen the middle

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