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Federal Announcements

Manufacturing Day 2020: Staying Safer in 2020

| Manufacturing USA

Manufacturing is the fourth largest industrial sector in the United States, currently employing about 15.6 million Americans, representing aabout 11% of the gross domestic product. The White House has declared manufacturing to be a national priority. Manufacturing workers experience a higher percentage of nonfatal injuries and illnesses per capita than the US workforce as a whole. In 2017, the number of nonfatal injuries and illnesses within manufacturing was 4.26 million (12.5%).


NSF Announces Investment in Future of Manufacturing

| Manufacturing USA | Advanced Manufacturing, Cellular Manufacturing

Continued U.S. leadership in advanced manufacturing requires new technologies, processes, and skills, especially in the emerging fields of biomanufacturing, cyber-manufacturing and eco-manufacturing. To address that need, the U.S. National Science Foundation is announcing investments in 24 new projects to drive future manufacturing.

The award of more than $40 million in the form of seed grants, research grants and network grants will support research and education at 44 unique institutions in 18

The Future of How Things Are Made

| Manufacturing USA | Advanced Manufacturing

Large masses of plastic refuse and other marine debris, drawn together by waves and wind, currently float across the north Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii. Popularly known as the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch," the seafaring pile of trash stands as testament to society’s overreliance on petroleum-based plastics and other materials developed to deliver single-use products quickly and cheaply.

The costs, however, have been immense.

Viable new alternatives to petroleum-based plastics

U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office Celebrate MFG Day 2020

| Manufacturing USA | Advanced Manufacturing

Manufacturing Day (MFG Day)—organized nationally by The Manufacturing Institute—is manufacturing’s biggest annual opportunity to inspire the next generation about the industry and careers in modern manufacturing—and to say: “Creators Wanted.” MFG DAY was created to correct public perception and addresses many misperceptions by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a coordinated effort, what manufacturing really is today. Launched annually on the first Friday in

Helping Apprentices and Other Workers Gain In-Demand Skills

| Advanced Manufacturing

Businesses, higher education, and workforce development organizations can use the updated model when developing curriculum, identifying workforce skill gaps, and detecting competencies required for credentials. The refreshed model helps ensure that workers learn skills that employers need.

The new model – developed in collaboration with SEMI (an industry association representing the electronics manufacturing supply chain) – includes:

Manufacturing process design and development Operations

Increasing U.S. Manufacturing Innovation

Manufacturing USA® institutes are designed to build innovation ecosystems and accelerate technology development and workforce development in critical technology areas. A new law reinforces the institutes’ importance to our national security and economic competitiveness and encourages creation of new advanced manufacturing institutes. The potential expansion of the initiative is intended to boost U.S. global competitiveness in key sectors.

Expanded Impact

The law encourages existing, third

Department of Energy Announces New American-Made Challenge Prize

| Advanced Manufacturing

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $3.25 million for the American-Made Geothermal Manufacturing Prize (Geothermal Prize). A first of its kind for geothermal technology, this prize is designed to spur innovation and address manufacturing challenges fundamental to operating in harsh geothermal environments. This prize further supports the ability of the geothermal industry to reach the target of 60 Gigawatts electric of geothermal capacity by 2050 as outlined in the recently

Department of Energy Announces New Solicitation for the High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation Initiative

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced nearly $5.2 million for a new solicitation under the High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) Initiative , the umbrella program for the HPC4Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg), HPC4Materials (HPC4Mtls), and HPC4Mobility programs. The new funding opportunity seeks qualified industry partners to work collaboratively with DOE’s national laboratories on projects that use High Performance Computing (HPC) to solve key technical challenges. These

Energy Department Selects Four Projects for High Performance Computing for Manufacturing in Steel and Aluminum Production

| Advanced Manufacturing, High Performance Computing

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in partnership with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), announced nearly $1.2 million for four new projects to support American steel and aluminum manufacturers in improving energy efficiency, increasing productivity, and accelerating manufacturing innovation.

The funding announced today will provide advanced computing capabilities to improve manufacturing processes and resolve key manufacturing challenges through the use of High Performance

Commerce’s NIST Announces Actions to Stimulate Commercialization of Federally Funded R&D

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA

The United States spends more than any other nation on research and development (R&D) each year, investing over $150 billion in federally funded R&D alone. In line with President Donald J. Trump’s Management Agenda , the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) today released a draft green paper detailing steps to modernize the U.S. system of technology transfer and innovation for the 21st century. The actions outlined in the green paper would help

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