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Federal Announcements

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Announces Manufacturing USA: New Brand for National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

| Manufacturing USA | Advanced Manufacturing, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Today, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker announced that “Manufacturing USA” is the new brand name for the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation. The network consists of public-private institutes dedicated to securing the nation’s future through manufacturing innovation, education, and collaboration. Secretary Pritzker made the announcement at the annual International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) in Chicago.

“Today, I am thrilled to announce Manufacturing USA. With our

DOD Proposes– Robots in Manufacturing Environments Manufacturing Innovation Institute (RIME-MII)

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, Robotics

The topic of this eighth DoD-led Institute is Robots in Manufacturing Environments (RIME). The RIME-MII will improve U.S. competitiveness in manufacturing through advancements in the smart collaborative robotic field. This technology has the potential to level the manufacturing playing field with competing low labor cost economies, with decreased manufacturing cost, better quality and timely reaction to changes needed by the customer. Smart, collaborative robotics can also enable "batch of one"

A Call to Action to Celebrate the Manufacturing of Today and Tomorrow

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

“With ingenuity and a determined spirit, hardworking Americans are creating products and unlocking new technologies that will shape our Nation and grow our economy… On National Manufacturing Day, we celebrate all those who proudly stand behind our goods and services made in America, and we renew our commitment to winning the race for the jobs of tomorrow.”

President Obama, Manufacturing Day 2014 Proclamation

Sharpening Our Competitive Edge and the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

| Advanced Manufacturing, Biopharmaceutical, Composites, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, Process Manufacturing, Robotics, Smart Manufacturing

Innovation and U.S. manufacturing are inextricably linked—that’s why the President launched the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI), a network of manufacturing hubs across the country that is designed to sharpen America’s competitive edge in spurring the next generation of manufacturing jobs and investment. Each manufacturing hub brings together leaders from private companies, universities, and non-profits—alongside the Federal Government—to pioneer breakthroughs in emerging

DOE FOA: Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Reducing EMbodied-Energy and Decreasing Emissions (REMADE) in Materials Manufacturing

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) intends to issue, on behalf of the Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) entitled “Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Reducing EMbodied-energy And Decreasing Emissions (REMADE) in Materials Manufacturing”.

This FOA supports the establishment of a Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Reducing EMbodied-energy And Decreasing Emissions (REMADE) in Materials

DOE FOA: Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Reducing EMbodied-Energy and Decreasing Emissions (REMADE) in Materials Manufacturing

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) intends to issue, on behalf of the Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) entitled “ Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Reducing EMbodied-energy And Decreasing Emissions (REMADE) in Materials Manufacturing ”.

This FOA supports the establishment of a Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Reducing EMbodied-energy And Decreasing Emissions (REMADE) in Materials

FACT SHEET: The President Announces Winner of New Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute and New Manufacturing Hub Competitions

| Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing USA, National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

The Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute, headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, brings over $140 million in public-private investment from leading universities and manufacturers to develop smart sensors for use in advanced manufacturing.

Throughout this week, the Obama Administration will be highlighting America’s capacity for creativity and invention and how our innovative progress over the last seven and a half years has helped continue to make our economy the strongest and most durable in

DOD FOA: Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Manufacturing Innovation Institute (ATB-MII)

This FOA seeks proposals from U.S. non-profit organizations (minimum 1:1 cost share) interested in entering into a Technology Investment Agreement (TIA), pursuant to 10 USC §2371, for the purpose of establishing a state-of-the-art, end-to-end, sustainable Manufacturing Innovation Institute (MII) in support of advanced tissue biofabrication manufacturing.

DOD NOI: Robots in Manufacturing Environments Manufacturing Innovation Institute (RIME-MII)

This Notice is to announce the U.S. Government's intent to seek competition for an eighth Manufacturing Innovation Institute (MII) to be led by the Department of Defense (DoD). The topic of this eighth DoD-led Institute is Robots in Manufacturing Environments (RIME) . The motivation for the RIME-MII is to improve U.S. competitiveness in manufacturing through advancements in the smart collaborative robotic field.

This technology has the potential to level the manufacturing playing field with

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